Presidents Message

Change can come in many forms. Sometimes, a simple change in perception is all the spark needed to generate other remarkable, positive changes for our environment and community. Just a few years ago, there was a perception that the business and environmental communities of Cape Cod had very different goals. But, as the 1990s drew to a close, we noted a convergence of shared concern for the kind of environment we choose to leave for future generations. Today, we can happily report ever-strengthening relationships and a number of collaborations among this diverse group of Cape Codders.

As example, a partnership of business and environmental leaders resulted in the successful Land Bank in late 1998. That partnership, in turn, was catalyst for the coalition formed in 1999 that is currently striving to protect the water supply on the MMR. APCC's newly reinitiated Business Roundtable provides another forum for business, environmental and community leaders to come together to address important issues. With shared goals to unite us, and complementary talents among us, these new partnerships will surely improve our ability to protect the natural resources of Cape Cod that we all value.

Change in another form has come to APCC. Susan Nickerson stepped down as APCC's Executive Director in 1999. APCC's many accomplishments under her eleven years of service are too numerous to mention here. The Board of Directors now looks forward to a productive relationship with Margaret Geist, our recently named Executive Director. With Maggie's leadership, APCC is poised to enter a new century, create new partnerships, and meet new challenges as we continue our work to preserve and protect the valuable resources of our Cape Cod home.

Robert S. Neese
President, APCC




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